Monday 29 July 2019

In alternate reality 45823....

It's b-day, plus 10 years, and the uk is now the 51st state of the usa. 

The nhs has being bled to death by a billion cuts and the tasty filleted remains sold off to the fastest swooping vulture funds.

The  first term rees-mcvey government has discovered a very large hole in their plans. After promising the electorate the sky, they have discovered that is the only thing in the country left for them to privatise.

"Ah, prime minister. Would you like to comment on the rumours that we are the new puerto rico?"

"Oh really, what a nonsensical question! Listen mush, once we've sold off the sky, we shall all be fantastically wealthy. There will also be some stale crumbs for the poor. Although, they'll have to fight marzebub for those!"

1 comment:

  1. apres moi, le deluge.the mission statement of vulture capitalism , after me the flood. Once the islands have been stripped of any value the floods due to global warming will cover the lands
