Monday 22 July 2019

Particulate limits

I read on the air quality news website with interest gove pledging to enshrine who particulate limits into uk law. 

I experienced a petaseconds worth of elation, before realising just what that'll mean here in the land of the topsy turvy. To make sure nothing had changed, i opened the curtains, and sure enough tfl's buses were parked outside with their engines running. So despite all the pledges and chippy promises, nothing will actually change. Don't believe me? The next time you're out and around, just take a look at the gritty, dirty, urban streets, and just see how many of your fellow species are actually doing anything positive towards the betterment of nature... the species is still oh so very fucked.

Even scientists who
initially prevaricated and couched their words in more conservative tomes are becoming increasingly shrill. But for decorum you can almost here them saying "why can't you people open your eyes, and see what's going on, what's coming and at least try to change!" But that will require, well thought. Thinking. Perhaps even empathy. Apart from extinction rebellion and other such groups, just look around. The majority will truly only care when they experience 55+ celsius degree summers as an annual event, roads melting, glass turning into mini flame-torches, and being unable to venture outside during any hour of daylight. Okay that last bit might take more creeping venus like temperatures, but as a species, without the numerous technological advances and generally filled shopping shelves, how many of us would be able to operate with rapid changing environments.

So as I sit with windows open and listen to bus engines
being revved and rumblingly idled, mere feet from the bus stand, i wonder at this wonderful example of town planning, and whether tfl's pr spin team (if given an opportunity) would say that it is one of the greenest stands ever!  

Visualising slender tendrils of fumes and particulates soaring through and lodging in my brain, chest and spleen, i wonder just how much popcorn we'll need to watch the end of the world, or if we will simply croak long before then with brains full of crap and lungs full of sea-water.

At least before the last wave laps over i can wave a feeble fist, in solidarity with pollution sufferers everywhere.

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