Monday 8 July 2019

The Problem with Empire - Trumponia

Empires are nothing but problems blowing in the sand. Sometimes those sands find their way into the most sensitive of parts, then you’re really screwed!

The latest fully paid-up empire is looking a bit leaky around the edges and appears to be following the trajectory of rotting from the core. The phrase “give me your tired, your poor,... the wretched refuse of your teeming shore” briefly rang around the world as leading to a halcyon bastion of  democratic hope, to all those suffering oppression at the hands of their own despotic rulers, and the caprice of nature, or who simply wanted to do more than eat dust and actually have a life. Which is such a delightful thought, once we shove under the carpet: the genocidal attempt against the previous inhabitants, plus the slight issue of slavery for a cash crop to have someone pop a sugar cube into your finest royal worcestor. Strangely, that is a period some believe would be worth revisiting. No doubt along with the level of medical advances they had at the time, and a piss-pot by the bed.

Looking at the slow moving change taking place in the various governmental arms in the usa, you would be forgiven for thinking that a period of theocratic manifest destiny appears to be waiting, just over the horizon, to grab the stick of control from an increasingly fractured and side-tracked populace. Since they haven't had control since forever, it really doesn't make that much of a difference.

If you listen quietly, in-between the incessant chatter of evangelicals and bombast from neocons, you can hear them praying with expectant hope, that the age of armageddon really is this time, just around the corner. Which is odd, that some of the more fringe believers would then petition netflix to cancel the show good omens. A show which is neither shown on, nor produced by netflix. But why let a good bit of umbridge and disgruntlement go to waste, when you can publicly show just how much your wrongness should be appreciated. Terry pratchett would indeed have been amused, as was neil gaiman.

But if you are unaware that there are portions of the north american governing branches that seem hell-bent on having yet another war, then you weren’t following the events in venezuela, nor the ongoing sabre jousting currently taking place with iran. Don’t believe it? Watch a clip where john bolton’s idea of another country’s resource sovereignty, should really put the willies up those who believe there's any such thing as a special relationship.

The 45th potus nicely flows into that frame of state. Where outside of his follubleators (followers caught in a bubble whilst courting fawning yet discreet admiration from global dictators), he is viewed by some as nothing more than a charlatan, with the memory of an upside down goldfish - experiencing a very bad day.

Let’s briefly cast our minds back to the extreme republican attitude towards the 44th potus. You know that if he had committed a fraction of what the 45th’s already, or alleged to have done, then he would have been hounded out of office with the use of extra sharpened pitchforks, and that’s just by his fellow democrats.

It isn’t really that far a stretch to believe no matter the nonsense pouring from the 45th potus mouth and fingertips, the narrative permeating his base lends to his possible re-election. Which of course may be aided by a supreme court 5-4 ruling, basically saying federal courts can not intervene when states undertake  gerrymandering. A ruling that now, in theory,
means states can redraw voting districts to their hearts content. Why have a district of only 2,000 people, when you can now have one that encompasses 50,000? A shame all those non-republican representatives will be shrunk to a hotdesk for two. But what can you do? That’s just how the voting times fall.

We now just need the usa’s very own information minister of pr to take center stage. Maybe the third time will be the charm. Then finally, we’ll know the regime has reached its very own point of peak unbelievability.

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