Friday 13 April 2012

A momentary yawn

We still here?

My, it has been a while.  


Oh well, might as well take a quick run through of the things i've missed...: 
Russian electoral fraud, american republican copycat electoral fraud - if it's good enough for the commies, it's good enough for us! must have been the thinking at the time...  
Triple standards, "oh, i didn't know the rich try to pay no tax?  When did that happen? Am i really the chancellor?"... 
Sudan (north and south) descending into a sadly predicted quagmire... 
Syria ready to implode - still?... 
Chinese coups, or is that skulduggery?... 
Being able to see let alone count less than a dozen stars during a clear city night... 
Food prices up, energy prices up, clothes costs up (in the uk at any rate, wages? What wages!...  
'This manifesto, i wave before you, is nothing more than toilet paper; and, in the tradition of good old fashioned toilet paper, it will be flushed the day we get into office,' a clip from a leaked post-production party political broadcast to be aired at the next election, in the 5th parallel universe... 
A raspberry pi.  Finally, the raspberry pi...  
Deaths...  and the ever growing clamour for a pre-emptive strike against iran; to ensure they don't build a nuclear weapon they may have already built but are obviously hiding, leaving no other alternative but an assassination, a bombing of innocent civilians by their lackeys.  This is pinned by a nail-gun to the beating chest of the iranian president due to the unforeseen and unfortunate accident where one of the careless perpetrators' of horror, forgets to dispose of the videos linking them to the acts, and their passports with almost daily flights to and fro iran are serendipitously found in a pristine unburned patch of clothing amongst a mound circled by a set of muddy footprints.  A tube of iranian toothpaste is also found floating down a stream, and bits of a students' thesis postulating how far advanced iran's invisible, behind the scenes, really top secret war-machine really is, is included in top, uber top, government briefings.  Wasn't this ground-hog nonsense flayed to dust during the last decade?  Of course, before we even begin to have our collective "noes" twisted into "yeas" we should know exactly which group(s) or corporate entities will be made richer, far richer, because of it.

Ah, i can hear the clamour for a 'what does it all mean' explanation gathering in the ether.  In this particular instance, it's time for another nap...

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